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Persbericht Excelsior Recordings
Deliverin’ the grass – Blue Grass Boogiemen
‘Deliverin’ the grass’ is het vierde album van de Blue Grass Boogiemen. Deliverin’ the grass is tevens hetgeen de Blue Grass Boogiemen al jaren doen, zowel hier in Nederland als in de rest van Europa en in de VS. Van Paradiso tot ‘s werelds meest beroemde bluegrassclub de Station Inn in Nashville, Tennessee; van de Rodeo Bar in New York tot de Continental Club in ‘live music capitol of the world’ Austin, Texas; ze traden er op. Al ruim 22 jaar staan Continue reading →
Here’s a quick update for you, about what we’ve been up to since the last one. We’ve been quite busy playing gigs here in Holland and abroad. The first edition of the ‘Bluegrass at ‘De Parel van Zuylen” festival was a great succes and we congratulate our fiddlin’ friend Joost van Es with that. Looks like Continue reading →
Hi folks!
Since the last update we’ve been in the studio to complete the Continue reading →
It’s been a great couple of weeks since our last update. We’ve had some fine shows and met many old friends and made a lot of new ones. Unfortunately we had to say goodbye to a special one, Jaap ‘The Birdman’ Vogel, who came to see us play on a regular basis, and oftentimes joined in doing his legendary rendition of ‘Your cheatin’ heart’ and playing harmonica on ‘Life’s railway to Heaven’. Well, he’s on that railway right now. Doctors gave him up 4 years ago, but he was a though old boy. We’re grateful our paths have crossed many times, and he will be missed by all of us. Continue reading →
We’re well into the new year, and these first couple of weeks have been great for us. There has been another national tv appearance for ‘Tijd voor Max‘ (see below) and some memorable shows at the ‘Kleine Komedie’ theater in Amsterdam, where we played alongside wellknown Dutch artists to present the forthcoming album ‘De Supersonische Boem‘ featuring songs written by Annie M.G. Schmidt and Harry Bannink. Many of these songs are very wellknown here in Holland and have been populair for many years. If you want to hear us sing in Dutch, here’s some footage of the soundcheck (see below). We got some great response for both our tv appearances and the shows at de Kleine Komedie. We’re confident this exposure will open some new doors for us. Continue reading →
Hi folks!
First of all, we want to wish all of you all the best for 2013, and hope to see you all somewhere down the road. We certainly closed up 2012 in a great way. We did a couple of fun gigs, most notably our performance on the tv show Top 2000 a GoGo, where we had to do bluegrass versions of popsongs. The two guests (wellknown Dutch artists) had to guess which songs we were playing. It was Continue reading →
Hi folks!
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! We’ve sure been keeping ourselves busy, working on different projects. We’ve recorded our addition to the Annie M.G. Schmidt (a famous Dutch writer) tribute album, and are pleased with the result. It was the first time we worked with the guys of the Excelsior Recordings label and the collaboration went just fine. We’re looking forward to recording our next album for them in February.
Another project was us backing up Tommy Allsup. Tommy played guitar in Buddy Holly’s Crickets and worked with Bob Wills, Ray Price, the Ventures and numorous other big names in music. It sure was a pleasure and an honour Continue reading →
We’ve had some fun gigs over the last week and a half. Some private, and two public ones. The first of the latter was in Horst, at a great little bar called ‘Het Centrum’, where we Continue reading →